Name | TV+ HD - онлайн тв 2.3.2 Apk Unlocked |
Updated | 14 Dec 2020 |
Category | Apps > Video and Editors |
Requires Android | 4.4 and up |
Developer | AndevApps |
Google Play | com.andevapps.ontv |
Size | 12.52 MB |
TV+ онлайн HD ТВ Mod Apk
Besplatnoe prilozhenie v kotorom predstavleny osnovnye rossiiskie telekanaly a takzhe dopolnitel'nye telekanaly razlichnykh zhanrov. Platnye telekanaly dostupny legal'no po dogovoru s pravoobladatelem. Besplatnye obshchedostupnye telekanaly transliruiutsia po trebovaniiu pravoobladatelei v versiiakh dlia interneta inogda s zaglushkami vmesto programm.Est' podderzhka Google Cast(TM) dlia transliatsii s mobil'nogo ustroistva na televizor/pristavku s Android TV(TM). Dlia raboty Google Cast(TM) neobkhodimo chtoby v toi zhe WiFi seti bylo ustroistvo na Android TV (TM) inache knopka zablokirovana sistemoi. Dobavlena podderzhka funktsii Kartinka-v-Kartinke (PiP) rabotaet na Android 8 i vyshe. Funktsiia pozvoliaet vyvesti video poverkh vsekh prilozhenii.
Prosmotr onlain TV osushchestvliaetsia cherez internet (IPTV/OTT) poetomu dlia stabil'noi raboty trebuetsia bezlimitnyi internet-kanal s propusknoi sposobnost'iu ot 2 Mbit/s. Pri otsutstvii bezlimitnogo mobil'nogo interneta uchityvaite chto potreblenie trafika pri prosmotre telekanala sostavliaet okolo 80 Mb za 10 minut pri bitreite 13 Mbit/s pri vybore maksimal'nogo kachestva i v 2 raza men'she pri vybore optimal'nogo kolichestva (dostupno ne dlia vsekh telekanalov). V sluchae perekhoda v rezhim tol'ko zvuk postoiannykh buferizatsii i zavisanii vsekh telekanalov ubedites' chto drugie prilozheniia ne ispol'zuiut Internet ili drugie ustroistva v seti ne zanimaiut vsiu shirinu internet-kanala. Stabil'nost' raboty istochnikov ne garantiruetsia periodicheski proizvodiatsia tekhnicheskie raboty na serverakh i kanalakh sviazi.
V prilozhenii est' platnye podpiski na platnye telekanaly. Tseny na podpiski sformirovany iskhodia iz trebovanii pravoobladatelei i komissii platezhnoi sistemy. Dlia otmeny podpisok v prilozhenii Plei Market nazhmite Meniu dalee Moi podpiski.
Rossiiskie telekanaly dostupny tol'ko pol'zovateliam iz RF (ogranichenie po IP-adresu). Prosmotr besplatnyi. Poriadok kanalov pervogo i vtorogo mul'tipleksa opredelen zakonom. Dannoe prilozhenie rasprostraniaetsia tol'ko v rossiiskom segmente. My otkryty dlia sotrudnichestva prisylaite voprosy pozhelaniia ili pretenzii.
Prilozhenie soderzhit funktsiiu Video arkhiv tol'ko dlia tekh kanalov ot kotorykh polucheno razreshenie. Telekanaly s otmecheny bugkvoi A v telegide
This free program presents all the major Russian television channels, as well as other channels from different genres. Legally, paid TV channels can be obtained by agreement with the copyright owner. Copyright holders can request free public TV channels in Internet versions, sometimes with plugs.
Google Cast (TM), which allows broadcasting to a TV / set top box using Android TV (TM), is supported. Google Cast (TM), which works on Android devices, must be connected to the same WiFi network as an Android TV device (TM). Otherwise the button will not work. Android 8 or higher now supports the Picture-in-Picture function. This function lets you display video above all other applications.
Online TV viewing is done via the Internet (IPTV/OTT). Therefore, for stable operation you will need an unlimited Internet channel that has a bandwidth of at least 2 Mbps. You should be aware that there are no unlimited internet connections. This means traffic consumption for watching TV is approximately 80MB per minute at 1.3Mbps bitrate when you choose the highest quality. It is not possible to watch all channels. If you switch to sound-only mode, ensure that all other apps and devices are not using the Internet. Stability of sources cannot be guaranteed. Technical work is performed periodically on communication channels and servers.
This application offers paid subscriptions for paid television channels. The subscription prices for the application are determined by the copyright owners and the commission of the payment system. You can cancel your subscription in Play Market by selecting Menu and then My subscriptions.
Russian television channels can only be accessed by Russian Federation residents (restrictions by IP address). You can view the channels for free. Law determines the order in which the multiplex channels are displayed. The Russian section is the only distribution of this application. Send us your questions, suggestions or complaints.
Only channels with permission can use the Video archive function in this application. Television channels that have an archive feature are identified in the TV Guide with the letter "A".