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Photo Gallery and Screensaver 2.25.13 Apk Unlocked

Photo Gallery and Screensaver Apk Mod
NamePhoto Gallery and Screensaver 2.25.13 Apk Unlocked
Updated29 Jul 2019
CategoryApps > Photography
Requires Android5.0 and up
Google Playcom.furnaghan.android.photoscreensaver
Size20 MB
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Photo Gallery and Screensaver Mod Apk

You can access your support photos via your smartphone as well as from online sources like Flickr and Google Photos Facebook. This app makes it easy to browse and share your images on your large screen. This app was designed for TVs and won't work on touch devices.

Showcase your photos as an Android TV Daydream/Screensaver/Slideshow.

Both the gallery and screensaver require an in-app purchase. Your library's 50 oldest photos are the only limit for the screensaver. You can't view videos or photos in the gallery. You can play the app and make a purchase if necessary.

**Photo Sources**

Google Photos


Flickr (including photos of family and friends)

Photos from your local area on your smartphone

- SD Cards and USB Devices

- NASA Photo a Day

Do you have any questions? We would love to hear from you!


Optionally, auto-include new photos or albums.

You can easily include/exclude any or all of the albums.

** Gallery Features*

You can browse your album for every photo source that you add.

You can browse your photos or play videos on full-screen.

Slideshows of your albums can be played.

- Search your library.

** Screensaver Features

Photos loaded in background to allow seamless playback

You can customize the delay time between images.

Daydreaming? You can navigate between the photos.

Photo selection is based on the date they were taken, and when they were last seen.

You can choose to hide or show portrait photos. If available, you will also find information regarding the song and artist playing in the picture.

This app searches for new photos automatically in the background. Once it's set up, you won't need to do it again. You can just relax and watch new and old photos from both your collection and those of friends or family.

** Setting your Screensaver **

To set this app to become your default screensaver follow these instructions by Google (https://support.google.com/androidtv/answer/6123262?hl=en-GB):

1. Scroll down from Android TV's home screen until you get to Settings.

2. Choose Settings

3. Choose Device Preferences

4. Choose Screen Saver

5. Choose from two options: Gallery and Photo Screensaver

**Set wait time to screensaver

Your Android TV can be set to automatically start your screensaver when your Android TV is off. Here's how:

1. Scroll down from Android TV's home screen until you get to Settings.

2. Choose Settings

3. Choose Device Preferences

4. Choose Screen Saver

5. Choose When you want to begin from the available options.

** Please leave feedback

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about [email protected] we would love to hear them!

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