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Lab Plot n Fit 17.4 Apk Full Paid

Lab Plot n Fit Apk Mod
NameLab Plot n Fit 17.4 Apk Full Paid
Updated08 Jun 2020
CategoryApps > Education
Requires Android4.4 and up
Google Playcom.abhipod.abhimonlabplotnfit
Size6.14 MB
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Lab Plot n Fit Mod Apk

Do you study engineering or science? Are you having trouble recording or analyzing the data from your practical classes? It would be amazing if your smart phone could record and analyse the data instead. Lab Plot n fit does all of this and more. This android app allows you to draw graphs from single or multi-set numeric and time-series data X-Y with ease. It can also be used to fit data to many commonly-used mathematical functions, as well as any other user-defined function. The app allows you to analyze data as you would in a lab, without the need for graph paper or computers and without even having to connect the Internet.

The 'Lab Plot n fit allows you to do a lot of different things, such as:

You can either enter your lab data rowwise, or you could read your whole data in a text file (.txt.dat.csv), created from MS Excel. This data will be stored on your device's memory.

A simple interface allows you to plot graphs from one or more data-sets. You can create grids with different resolutions, similar to a graph paper.

* Adjust axes ranges to change the types of axes, shrink or expand the axes, or move the origin.

Scale your graphs to create semi-log or log-log graphs.

* Connect the entire graph to the common mathematical functions, or just a part of it to the user-defined function. This can be done using an interface.

Double tap any point of the curve fitted to display and observe the corresponding point X-Y after the fitting and plotting are complete. You can perform a slope calculation by drawing a triangle and tangent at this point, just like you would with conventional graph paper. Also, calculate Y values at all X values and any X value(s), based on the fit curve.

* Before and after fitting your graph to the device's memory, save both data and high-resolution images.

* You can retrieve the saved data later by importing it into the app. Then, you can edit the plot or fit the data.

You can add information such as your name, instructor's or teaching assistant's name and the name of an experiment to which the graph refers. These data will be added to the graph and sent to your supervisor or teacher via WhatsApp or email.

*Add text to the arrow annotations.

*And more.

Thanking you all

Autors: A. Poddar, M. Poddar

[email protected]

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