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Sweden Topo Maps 1.0.7 Apk Pro

Sweden Topo Maps Apk Mod
NameSweden Topo Maps 1.0.7 Apk Pro
Updated11 Feb 2018
CategoryApps > Maps & Navigation
Requires Android5.0 and up
DeveloperATLOGIS Geoinformatics GmbH & Co. KG
Google Playcom.atlogis.sweden
Size5 Mb
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Sweden Topo Maps Mod Apk

Simple to use Outdoor/Offline navigation app that gives you access to topographic maps, satellite images and more for Sweden. Pro features required for offline use

Your Andoid Smartphone/Tablet can be used as an outdoor GPS to guide you through the backcountry without any cell coverage. The app offers similar map options to those available on Garmin and Magellan handheld GPS units.

Map layers included FREE of charge

* Topographic Map 1 :50.000 in Scandinavia ( Denmark Norway Sweden and Finland) with hillshading. Lantmateriet Terrangkartan Fjallkartan

* Topowebb Lantmateriet Topographic map for Sweden

* OpenStreetMaps: Crowdsourced maps can be a useful tool to add to any map layer. Contains many unique features.

* OpenCycleMaps - These maps can be used to plan your bicycle trip (PRO users only)

* ESRI Topographic

* ESRI Aerial Images

* ESRI Streetmap

* Google Road Map (online only access)

* Google Satellite Images (online only access)

* Google Terrain Map (online only access)

* Bing Road Map (online only access)

* Bing Satellite Images (online only access)

* Earth at Night

Hillshading Overlay

The main features of outdoor navigation:

* Edit and create Waypoints

* GoTo-Waypoint-Navigation

* Track recording (with speed profile and elevation)

* Tripmaster includes fields to indicate average speed, elevation and other pertinent information.

* GPX/KML/KMZ Export

*Search (placenames POI streets)

* Map View and Tripmaster can be customized (e.g. Speed Distance Compasse ...)

*Share Waypoints Tracks and Routes (via eMail Whatsapp Facebook..

* Show coordinates in Lat/Lon UTM/MGRS/USNG Military Grid/ US National Grid

* Track and Share tracks, with stats and elevation profiles

* Rotate map (Track Up & North Up).

* Long click on the map to get elevation and distance

* Replay Track

* Add custom map tile servers

*, and many other...

Available Pro features: (Pro features available via In App Purchase)

*Offline use - No need for cell coverage There are no roaming charges

* Fast and easy Bulk Download of Map Tiles for OFFLINE USE (not Google or Bing).

* Edit and create Routes

* Route-Navigation (Point-to-Point Navigation)

* GPX/KML/KMZ Import/Export

Unlimited Waypoints andamp, Tracks

* Add another Map-Server

* There are no ads

You can also use the internet offline

You can save all viewed maps tiles to your cache. Pro features are required to cache large areas.

This app can be used for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping climbing and skiing.

With WGS84 datum, you can add custom waypoints to longitude/latitude UTM and MGRS/USNG formats.

Import/Export/Share GPS-Waypoints/Tracks/Routes in GPX or Google Earth KML/KMZ format.

For areas that do not have cell phone service, preload map data FREE of charge (Pro feature! ).

Comments and feature requests to [email protected]

Have a look at our other outdoor navigation apps: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=atlogis

We do not track user activity or gather any data!

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