Name | Sky Calendar 2019 1.0.5 Apk Full |
Updated | 10 Dec 2019 |
Category | Apps > Lifestyle |
Requires Android | 4.4 and up |
Developer | Evgeny Volokontsev |
Google Play | com.volokontsev.sc2019 |
Size | 9.4 MB |
Sky Calendar 2019 Mod Apk
Otobrazhaet na ekrane dnia:
- Lunu v znakakh Zodiaka s traktovkoi
- periody Luny bez kursa dlia liubogo chasovogo poiasa
- vse mazhornye aspekty Luny s traktovkami
- soedineniia i oppozitsii Luny s Khironom Lilit i Severnym Uzlom s traktovkami
- lunnye dni s traktovkami dlia 100 gorodov mira
- novoluniia polnoluniia zatmeniia s traktovkami
- ingressii vsekh planet v novye znaki zodiaka s traktovkami
- retrogradnosti i direktnosti vsekh planet s traktovkami
- vse retrogradnye planety tekushchego dnia s traktovkami
- zatmeniia s traktovkami i kosmogrammoi dnia
- vse soedineniia Solntsa s planetami s traktovkoi
- vse mazhornye aspekty planet mezhdu soboi
- otobrazhenie sobytii dlia liubogo chasovogo poiasa Zemli
- Lunnyi kalendar' na kazhdyi mesiats s Lunnymi dniami i periodami Luny bez kursa
- Spravochnye materialy dlia novichkov - znaki Zodiaka planety aspekty
- gorizontal'nyi rezhim otobrazheniia (3-4 dnia na ekrane telefona do 10 dnei na ekrane plansheta).
- informatsiia na russkom i angliiskom iazykakh
- evropeiskii i amerikanskii format daty.
- dostupen vybor fonovoi kartiny dnia.
Prilozhenie soderzhit bolee 100 stranits unikal'nykh avtorskikh tekstov i prognozov v chastnosti:
- obshchii prognoz na 2019 god
- prognoz dlia kazhdogo znaka Zodiaka na 2019 god
- prognoz dlia kazhdogo mesiatsa 2019 goda.
Angloiazychnaia versiia soderzhit traktovku Luny v znakakh Zodiaka.
Nazhatie na datu dnia vyvodit efemeridy na kazhdyi den' 2019 goda na polnoch' po Grinvichu.
Prilozhenie soderzhit unikal'nuiu tablitsu Osobykh Tochek na kotoroi sobrany vse vazhnye krupnye sobytiia goda - ingressii i retrogradnosti planet zatmeniia Luny i Solntsa vse aspekty Solntsa s planetami dlia 2019 goda.
Vse dannye ukazany po Shveitsarskim efemeridam (ofitsial'naia litsenziia).
Osobennost' astrologicheskogo kalendaria Sky Calendar 2019 - mgnovennost' schityvaniia informatsii krasivye dizainerskie resheniia vysokii professional'nyi uroven' vsei predstavlennoi informatsii traktovok i raschetov.
Dlia novichkov sozdan Spravochnik v kotorom podrobno opisano znachenie 10 planet Lilit Uzla Luny i Khirona dany avtorskie opisaniia vsekh znakov Zodiaka i aspektov poiasneniia i traktovki dlia Luny bez kursa retrogradnykh planet i Lunnykh dnei.
This page contains information about all the days in 2019 from January 1 through December 31.
The screen displays of the day
- Interpretation of the moon within the sign signs of the Zodiac
Moon Periods without any course in any time zone
All major features of the Moon with their interpretations
Conjugations and Oppositions of the Moon and Chiron Lilith, and the Northern Node. Includes interpretations
The interpretations of 100 major cities around the globe for lunar days
New moon, full moon and eclipses with interpretations
The ingressions by all planets into new zodiac sign with interpretations
Retrograde and directivity for all planets, with explanations
All retrograde planets with their interpretations
Eclipses, interpretations and the cosmogram for that day
All connections between the Sun and the planets, with explanation
All major planet aspects amongst themselves
Display of all events in any time zone on the Earth
A lunar calendar with the month's days and moon phases without any course
Refer to the Reference Materials for Beginners - Zodiac Signs and Planets Aspects
Horizontal display mode: 3-4 days on your phone's screen, up to 10 on the tablet screen
Information in Russian and English
European and American dates formats.
You can choose the background image of your choice.
This application has more than 100 pages, including forecasts and copyright text.
General forecast for 2019,
Forecast for every zodiac sign in 2019
Forecast for every month in 2019.
English translation includes an explanation of the sign of the Zodiac as it relates to the moon.
The ephemeris of each day in 2019 is displayed by clicking on the date.
This application includes a table with Special Points that contains the most important events for the year, including the retrograde and ingressions of planets as well as the eclipse of Sun and Moon.
All data belong to the Swiss ephemeris, an official license.
Sky Calendar 2019, an astrological calendar, is unique because it provides instantaneous information and beautiful design choices.
For beginners, a guide was created that explains in detail 10 planets Lilith and Chiron. It also gives descriptions of all signs and their aspects.