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RubiQ Substratum Theme 2.0.1 Apk patched

RubiQ Substratum Theme Apk Mod
NameRubiQ Substratum Theme 2.0.1 Apk patched
Updated27 Sep 2017
CategoryApps > Personalization > Theme
Requires Android7.0 and up
DeveloperRahul K Dinesh
Google Playcom.b16h22.rubiq
Size13.5 Mb
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RubiQ Substratum Theme Mod Apk

With OREO 8.1 support, RubiQ now supports substratum! It is light and bright with vector-based iconography. Dark overlays are now available for some apps


* This theme supports Android 8.0 (or 8.1 Oreo) roms

Oreo does not support fonts or overlay statusbar icons.

* All bugs found in Oreo will slowly be fixed


* Rooted

* You should have Substratum App installed in your phone - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=projekt.substratum

* This theme supports Android 7.0, 8.0, and 8.1 ROMS with OMS support

* Apply the Light Theme before applying Dark Theme or Pitch Black Overlays

* The AICP Extended DURR and Pure Nexus are supported Roms

* You can try it with Android 6.0 roms or legacy roms.

* xxhdpi devices supported


* Light and Dark Pitch Black overlays

* Framework

There are many shades available

* Quicksettings and Status Bar

* Smartbar and Navigation Bar

* Batteries

* Third-party apps and System Apps

* Fonts

* Boot Animation



* Framework andamp, Dialogs

* Setting

* AOSP Dialer

* Contacts for AOSP

* Substratum

* Telephone

* Google KB

* Calculator

* Plus...


* Setting

* AOSP Dialer

* Contacts for AOSP

* AOSP Messaging

* Google Messenger

* AOSP Gallery

* AOSP Camera

* AOSP File manager

* File Manager for CM

* Keyboard for AOSP

* Google Keyboard

* AOSP Calender

* Calculator

* Google Search

* Go to the Play Store

* Contacts with Google

* Google Dialer

* Google Hangouts

*Google Allo

* Google Keep

* Google Plus

* YouTube

* Insta

* Tweet

* Whatsapp

* Phonograph

* Substratum App

* Plus many other...

With future updates, the supported Roms list will grow. For bug reports or feedback, email me at [email protected] Thank you ..

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