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PageFlip - Web Comic Viewer Mod Apk 1.7.1

PageFlip - Web Comic Viewer Apk Mod
NamePageFlip - Web Comic Viewer Mod Apk 1.7.1
Updated08 Jul 2022
Requires AndroidVaries with device
DeveloperAppstronaut Studios
Google Playcom.printandpixel.pageflip2
Size4.55 MB
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PageFlip - Web Comic Viewer Mod Apk: Do you love comics? Are you tired of reading comics via mobile internet? Do you want to bookmark comic strips that have been read? You've found the webcomic reader Pageflip! You can create a list of comic readings and see comic strips exactly as they were intended on your mobile device. Full width, zooming and pan options allow you to easily read the comics in any format that suits you.
You can browse your favourite web comics, cartoons like Dilbert Cyanide, Happiness Saturday Morning Cereal Cereal, and Penny Arcade easily and make your friends jealous. You are not limited to only the most recent comic pages. You can go back in time with any comic on Pageflip to see all of the strips. Also, we value the hard work of talented artists who have created these comics. We've included links to their donation pages to every comic so that you can help them.


Automatic bookmarking: Comics and cartoons that you have read automatically will be saved.

You can customize your catalogue. Add your favourite cartoons to the homepage and you will have easy access to a list of comics that support your browser. You don't need URLs to navigate around.
PageFlip - Web Comic Viewer Apk Mod
Simple navigation. Supports swiping to navigate back and forth. Also offers buttons for first, next, and last web comics. You can pinch or double-tap to zoom. You should note that not all comics/cartoons offer the same navigation options. Some may be disabled based on what comic you are reading.

Sharing is easy - Did you enjoy a funny cartoon that you read? Want to share it on every social media platform you use? Perfect! The comic browser allows you to easily share your favourite comic strips with just a click!

Support for open source digital comics - We are dedicated to an open listing of all supported digital comics. I am always searching for new content so I have opened the app up to anyone who is interested in adding comics. Here are instructions on adding supported web comics. You can also see examples of cartoons that have been supported. If you don't want to code it, you can vote for new comic books to be added to the app.


Happyness and Cyanide

Penny Arcade

Smbc (Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal).



Questionsable Content

PhD Comics

Protected Endangered




PVP Comics

For better or worse

There are many other options!


I am always available for feedback. You can contact me if you have questions about the webcomic reader.

PageFlip - Web Comic Viewer Apk Mod

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