Name | Mignon Icon Pack 1.0.3 Apk Patched Mod |
Updated | 10 Aug 2020 |
Category | Apps > Personalization |
Requires Android | Varies with device |
Developer | Ouni Designs |
Google Play | com.ounidesigns.mignon |
Size | 74.76 MB |
Mignon Icon Pack Mod Apk
Glyphs and smooth edges
These are the features:
*877 Premium Glyphs Icons
* 5 wallpapers added
* Superior quality design, 370X370
* Icons created from scratch
* Colors in smooth gradient
Beautiful icons that are clean and beautiful
* Mignon will continue to be updated regularly
I am working on more icons.
Launchers with support:
Apex Launcher * Apex Launcher* Go Launcher* Lounger Launcher* Holo Launcher* Action Launcher* Lucid Launcher* Mini Launcher* Next Launcher* Nova Launcher* Pixel Launcher* Smart Launcher
Have you found any bugs? Send an email to me
Get in touch with me:
Twitter :
email :
Notice: All those who ask for icons will need to send me proof of purchase. This receipt must include the google order number.
You have 20 icons requested. If you would like more icons, please send a donation link to Mignon app. Thank you for your continued support.
Koloretako osasuntsu bat eskaintzen dizu zure bizia pizteko
Ertz leunak eta glifoak
Ezaugarriak :
* 877 glifo premium ikonoak
* 5 papera gehitu
* Kalitate handiko diseinua 370X370
* Ikonoak hutsetik diseinatuta
* Gradiente leunak
* Garbitu ikono ederrak
* Mignon eguneratuko da erregulartasuna
Mesedez pazientzia izan dut ikono gehiago lanean.
Onartutako abiarazleak:
ADW abiarazlea * Apex Launcher* Go Launcher* Lounger Launcher* Holo Launcher* Ekintza Birazlea* Lucid Launcher* Next Launcher* Nova Launcher* Pixel Launcher* Smart Launcher
Edozein akats nabaritu Bidali mezu elektronikoa
Jar zaitez nirekin harremanetan:
helbide elektronikoa:
Oharra: ikonoak eskatzen dituzten guztiei erosketaren frogagiria bidali beharko didazu ordainagiria google-tik eskuratu duzun eskaera zenbakiarekin bidali hau posta elektronikora
20 ikono behar dituzu ikono gehiago nahi izanez gero dohaintza bidali behar baduzu esteka Mignon aplikazioan. mila esker zuen laguntza guztiagatik