Name | Magzter 8.21.2 Apk Premium Subscribed Mod |
Updated | 11 Aug 2020 |
Category | Apps > News & Magazines |
Requires Android | 4.1 and up |
Developer | Magzter Inc. |
Google Play | com.dci.magzter |
Size | 23.4 MB |
Magzter: Magazines, Newspapers Mod Apk
Readers and publishers from around the globe voted it the best digital destination for reading.
Magzter, the largest online newsstand in the world with thousands of newspapers and magazines to choose from will revolutionize the way you read. Magzter offers magazines and newspapers in 40 different categories, including automotive entertainment fashion lifestyle news technology and travel.
Magzter is the perfect gift for you!
1. You can read your favourite magazines and newspapers anywhere you are.
2. Magzter's ezRead 2.0 feature revolutionizes digital reading by displaying magazine or newspaper pages in responsive layouts, which are optimized for all sizes of screens, including tablets and smartphones. You don't have to zoom in or pan awkwardly to view a digital magazine/newspaper article.
3. Get premium stories on exciting subjects curated by the top-selling newspapers and magazines.
4. You can download your favourite titles to read later, even if you're not online.
5. Save your favourite pages as bookmarks to make it easy to find them again later.
6. Create your own following and share Magzter content on Magzter. Connect to an amazing social network within the app.
7. Smart Reading Zones offers unlimited access to reading.
Magzter's top titles
Autocar Car and Driver Hot Rod Road andamp, Track Top Gear
Business - Bloomberg Businessweek Entrepreneur Fast Company Fortune Inc.
BBC Good Food UK Bon Appetit Food & Wine Taste of Home
Entertainment Weekly OK! People Us Weekly TV Guide Vanity Fair
Fashion - Cosmopolitan ELLE Harper;s Bazaar InStyle Marie Claire Vogue
Fitness - Health Men;s Health Oxygen Yoga Journal
Lifestyle - Esquire Maxim The Oprah Magazine
News - Mother Jones Newsweek New York Reader's Digest Today The Atlantic Time India Today
Newspapers: Business Standard Daily Mirror Daily Star Hindustan Times The Guardian The New Paper
Science and Technology - Macworld PC Magazine PCWorld Popular Science Wired
Sports Illustrated: Surfer Tennis
Travel - Backpacker Country Conde Nast Traveler Lonely Planet National Geographic Traveller UK
Magzter's subscription model Magzter Gold, which is "All-You-Can-Read", gives unlimited access to 5000 top-selling magazines and newspapers (including back issues), for a low monthly fee. Register for Magzter accounts via the app and get 7-days of Magzter Gold access FREE!
If you do not turn off auto-renewal at least 24 hours prior to the expiration of your current month, the trial period will be automatically renewed. Access your account in the play store to manage or deactivate auto-renewal.
Magzter is your favorite site for reading?
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Thanks for this huge collection of Mod apk. It really helps those who are unable to get premiums.
Unfortunately, there is an issue!!!!
Magzter premium apk isn't working properly. Magazines are unable to download. They are stucking after 2% - 3%. If this is my fault please help me. If this is a bug, plz try to fix it. It will be a real help.