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dB Meter - frequency analyzer decibel sound meter Mod Apk 1.5.4 Pro

dB Meter - frequency analyzer decibel sound meter Apk
NamedB Meter - frequency analyzer decibel sound meter Mod Apk 1.5.4 Pro
Updated20 Jul 2022
CategoryApps > Tools
Mod InfoPro
Requires AndroidVaries with device
DeveloperVlad Polyanskiy
Google Playcom.dbmeterpro.dbmeter
Size11.74 MB
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dB Meter - frequency analyzer decibel sound meter Mod Apk Pro: dB Meter (dBA Sound Level Meter) is a complete feature-packed dBA noise meter with exceptional accuracy in sound frequency measurements, calibrated using a professional decibel meter.

AppAdvice is the best tool to measure sound levels. For those who want to protect their ears from harmful sounds, a sound level meter is what you call a "noise detector". Who wants to pay hundreds of dollars for one? This dBA noise meter can be used to your advantage.

dB Meter, a mobile application that gives professional-quality measurements and calibrates using a Nor140 high-precision sound-level meter is free. Our dB Meter based upon the FFT algorithm allows you to measure ambient noise levels, save them and place them. You can also share these measurements with other people. The dB Meter can detect sound frequency. The dB Meter combines utility and style with a refined user experience. It is a versatile tool that can be used in an easy-to-use package. This is all at a fraction of the price of professional sound meters.

Please note: A dB Meter noise and level meter app should not be considered a substitute for professional sound level meter equipment and should only be used to measure personal sound levels.

dB Meter - frequency analyzer decibel sound meter Apk

FEATURES of dB Meter

* High-accuracy decibel meter.

* Stores the location information for every measurement.

* Measurements can be saved by adding custom names to the noise detector.

* Measurements for exports.

* There are four weighting types: dba, dbc, dbb, and; dbz.

* Saves recorded noise measurements and allows you to playback or export them.

* Fully Functional Spectrum Analyzer Integrated

* FFT Plot (Fast Fourier Transform)

* Spl Meter with logarithm and linear scales

* Maximum 16384 FFT Size (Not all phones are supported).

* There are many noise meter windows functions available

* Tracking for max noise volume value

* Maximum and minimum decibels for any frequency

* Shock graphics

Do you have any suggestions or questions about the SPL Meter? Write to us: [email protected]

DB Chart for Interpreting Decibel Meter Measurements

150-160 decibel = Eardrum rupture

140 decibel = Aircraft carrier deck.

130 decibel = Jet takeoff (100m) A gun blast at a close distance.

Music that is louder than 120 decibels = Highest level of pain for humans

If sustained for longer than one hour, 110 decibels = Severe hearing loss

100 decibels = Severe hearing loss if it is sustained for longer than eight hours.

90 decibels = Hazardous hearing loss if it is sustained for longer than eight hours.

80 dB = Possible but not likely hearing damage if the injury is sustained for longer than eight hours.

70 dB = Not too annoying, but it is probably the safest.

60 dB is the average conversational volume.

50 dB = A quiet library conversation.

40 dB = One whisper

30 dB = Very faint audible sound

20 dB = The threshold of hearing. Only detectable with a noise-level meter.

This app is a noise detector. The noise level meter can show you the exact sound frequency in your area.

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