Name | Alias 3.3.3 Apk Full Unlocked Mod |
Updated | 06 Nov 2020 |
Category | Board > Games |
Requires Android | 4.4 and up |
Developer | inetstd |
Google Play | |
Size | 6 MB |
Alias Mod Apk
Pozhalui luchshaia igra v slova dlia veseloi kompanii ! Eto super smeshno kogda vashi druz'ia budut ob'iasniat' griaznye tantsy ili kogda mal'chiki pytaiutsia vyiasnit' u drug druga chto takoe bigudi .
Alias - eto nastol'naia igra v kotoroi neobkhodimo ob'iasniat' sokomandnikam slova pokazanye prilozheniem ne proiznosia zadannoe slovo i ego proizvodnye.
Prilozhenie delaet protsess igry prostym i poniatnym - Vam ne nuzhno sledit' za vremenem raunda iskat' slova vesti schet. Vy lish' vybiraete kolichestvo komand ponravivshiisia Vam slovar' dlinu raunda - i igra gotova!
Interfeis igry produman tak chto v sluchae vozniknoveniia spornykh situatsii vo vremia ob'iasneniia slova - rezul'taty mozhno podkorrektirovat' po okonchaniiu raunda.
V igre dostupny optsii Party Alias i Poslednee slovo dlia vsekh a tak zhe mnozhestvo kak slovarei s obshchimi znaniiami tak i tselaia seriia tematicheskikh slovarei na temy kino i muzyki mody i tekhnologii urbanistiki i sovremennogo slenga.
This is the perfect word game to have fun with your company!
It's hilarious when friends explain dirty dancing to you or when the boys try to tell each other what curlers look like.
Alias, a game on the board that requires you to communicate with your teammates without using the word or its derivatives, is called Alias.
It makes it easy to play the game. You don't need to track the time, look for words or keep score. The game can be started by choosing the team and length you prefer.
It is designed so that if there are any questions during explanations of the word, the results may be corrected at end of round.
You can choose from Party Alias or The last word to all. There are also many dictionaries that provide general knowledge and a series of thematic dictionary on topics such as music, technology urbanism, and modern slang.