Name | МТС Music 7.15 Apk Subscribed |
Updated | 05 Feb 2021 |
Category | Apps > Music App |
Requires Android | 5.0 and up |
Developer | MTS PJSC |
Google Play | |
Size | 10.19 MB |
МТС Music – музыка онлайн Mod Apk
Nasladis' ogromnoi mediatekoi vmeste s prilozheniem <>! Muzykal'nyi pleer <> - eto prilozhenie dlia muzyki kotoroe pozvoliaet slushat' muzyku onlain i oflain a takzhe radio v odnom prilozhenii. Meloman tochno otsenit ved' my sobrali kollektsiiu v bolee 50 mln. trekov na liuboi vkus: rok pop-muzyka romanticheskaia muzyka russkii khit i mnogoe drugoe! Takzhe prilozhenie <> prednaznacheno dlia skachivaniia muzyki bez interneta. Slushai muzyku onlain dobavliai liubimye pesni v pleilisty i naslazhdaisia imi oflain na svoem smartfone. A dlia vsekh abonentov MTS - internet-trafik na proslushivanie i skachivanie muzyki besplatnyi.Prilozhenie <> bez podpiski - eto:
- Muzyka bez ogranichenii - mozhno slushat' besplatno krutye podborki i pleilisty!
- Svezhie treki i al'bomy v razdele <> - bud' vsegda v kurse muzykal'nykh novinok;
- Individual'nyi podbor muzyki dlia kazhdogo pol'zovatelia. Zagliadyvai v razdely <> i <> chtoby naiti novye treki i popolnit' svoi pleilisty;
- Radio na liuboi vkus i pod liuboe nastroenie;
- Teksty liubimykh pesen vsegda pod rukoi.
Vospol'zuisia podpiskoi i poluchi dostup k polnomu funktsionalu! Ved' s podpiskoi <> mozhno:
- Skachat' i zagruzit' muzyku besplatno i slushat' muzyku oflain bez interneta;
- Sozdavat' i slushat' pleilisty iz vybrannykh vami trekov v razdele <>;
- Iskat' i skachivat' pesni onlain blagodaria vstroennomu raspoznavaniiu;
- Naslazhdat'sia muzykoi v vysokom kachestve.
Esli ty nastoiashchii meloman - slushai muzyku besplatno bez interneta cherez proigryvatel' muzyki <>!
The MTS Music app offers a vast media collection! Music Player MTC Music allows you to stream music offline and online. We have more than 50,000,000 tracks to choose from for music lovers. The MTS Music app can be used to download music from anywhere without internet. You can listen online, add songs to your playlists, and then enjoy the music offline from your phone. All MTS subscribers get free internet traffic to listen and download music.
MTS Music is available without subscription:
You can enjoy music without limitations - listen to awesome playlists and collections for no cost!
You can find new tracks and albums under the section New Releases. Be aware of any music updates.
- Each user can choose their own music. You can find music and playlists in the Playlist of The Day and Recommendations sections.
Radio to suit every style and every mood
You can always find the lyrics to your favourite songs at your fingertips.
Get the complete functionality with the subscription! With the MTS Music Unlimited subscription, you will be able to:
You can download and upload your music free of charge and you can listen offline to it without the internet.
You can create and listen to playlists using the tracks you have selected in your Favorites section.
Built-in Recognition allows you to search and download music online.
High quality music.
You can listen to your favorite music without having to download anything via the MTS Music music player.